Thursday, August 7, 2008

Works to be done in Malaysia....

Is there anybody in the government can stand out and speak loudly that, the crime rate is under controlled? If there are people around, surely their face would be landed with eggs...

well yes, I have to admit that more and more crime case, especially were armed with fire weapons nowadays, If there is any action that could be taken to cut down the supply of the firearm, then slowly we can cut the crime rate involving firearm, since as we know by rule or thumb, in long term, prevention from inside out is better than solution.

The root cause are more or less the same, the economy in malaysia is facing a sharp downturn. People are starving since high inflation, when people were to survive in such situation for long period of time, and when it comes to the end of the road, the bad choice of come into their mind would be gone into crime business. If the authority department in Malaysia government is not perform up to par, it causes the crime business to boom, the consequences is all to see that, the crime rate is on the upturn...... if somebody is happy with their easy income through crime business, is there any way for them to turn back towards a proper life?

Some major changes in the government is needed to resolve this issue. Hope the government don't spend too much time and money on unnecessary works, focus on lower down the crime rate and rescue Malaysian.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

少数服从多数, 多数又怎样? 少数又怎样?

话说民主是个最公平的政治体制, 我很赞成, 因为比独裁好上很多. 少数服从多数嘛, 看起来是很好, 是因为民代所为人民做的, 应该是多数人的所要的. 那剩下的那少数人呢? 民代可有看到他们所要的吗? 难到多数人要的就是好的, 那少数人就有责任去接受吗?

那多数的人民, 试想想, 你支持的民代, 有为你争取你的理想吗? 你支持了他, 他有为你服务吗? 你有去向民代实行你的人民基本权利吗? 我想多数人都没有, 都抱着无事不登三宝殿的心态. 那不用说那些少数反对的人民了, 你会去找民代吗? 反问一问民代会为他们服务吗? 我本身觉得, 这个答案大家都很清楚.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008





马来西亚的中国象棋 VS 安华


重量级, 但过不了楚河汉界
帅 -- 阿都拉
士 -- 那吉 (静观其变, 等到坐上帅位)
士 -- 赛哈密 (一直都在说话, 不停地说)
相 -- 慕沙哈山 (阿都拉下令现在只能挡, 不能攻)
相 -- 阿都干尼 (阿都拉下令现在只能挡, 不能攻)

车 -- XXX 法官 (还没出动, 也可能不需要用到)
车 -- XXX 主控官 (还没出动, 也可能不需要用到)
马 -- 凯里 (善走斜日步, 帅前俯马)
马 -- 依斯迈奥玛 (善走斜日步, 不过有时被绑手绑脚)
炮 -- 赛夫 (马后炮, 必要时有可能会牺牲)
炮 -- 依占 (马后炮, 必要时有可能会牺牲)

为了达到目的, 牺牲或被拖累:
兵 -- 马华
兵 -- 民政
兵 -- 国大
兵 -- 人民进步
兵 -- 沙巴团结 (过了楚河汉界, 快牺牲了)


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


我们华人是个敢做敢当的人, 做的出不怕认, 当蔡君坦诚他是XXX主角时, 我很佩服他的勇气, 更佩服他那敢做敢当的魅力. 他让我觉得马华是有救的了. 然而看了现任马华的现任领袖, 我看我都敬而远之得好.

我想现在的马来西亚局势, 马华在国阵的定位飘浮不定. 巫统的独大作风, 已经把马华给忘了, 但是马华还是没向马来西亚华人交代马华在国阵所扮演的角色, 漠不作声的马华只会让华人选票流失, 象流血般的, 如果不早些止血, 那下次大选会输得一败涂地. 这时的马华领袖还没站出来, 而只是在那儿指指点点, 在讲别人的不是, 而本身没有做到什么赢得华人的支持, 那对不起, 马华长远来讲将是个大输家.

马华.... 该醒了....