Friday, February 27, 2009





如果你觉得有人在诽谤某某人,而且还指名道姓,那么就控告他,然后在法庭上索偿,说不定在法庭上那个人可以证明它所说的是真实的,也可能那个人败诉而得赔 偿或坐牢。但是如果还没有证明一个人所说的话是对是错,即使你觉得那个人所说的是错的,你如果要理论,也绝对不可以把法律操纵在自己手中。伸张正义的工作就由有关单位来解决。


  1. Stupidity makes them acted similar to the gangsterism. In their minds, the thought in it, only the animal way of thinking.

    It takes time to make them to be reformed. Its head leader leads them to act with not respect for others who are Malaysians like them tried to clear out the truth of law that constitutionally stated. But they just don't care, what they care is that one of them has aimed to be future PM of Malaysia. His stepping stone as primal foundation for him to climb up toward the seat of power is to utilize on his mindless followers to be racist and the agitation applies on them to hit on other Malaysians of different races in order to make a scene that Chinese and Indian can not talk too much about them even they are politically misfit.
    Can we or you change them?
    The form of body constitution of living thing is born natural. It needs thousands of years to progress its reformation to advancement mentally, morally and physically. When their minds are stuffy, they will stop going on ahead.
    That's is. Hopelessness ahead in Malaysia future politically and economically under the control of these bunches of morons is sure to be predicted.
    Bro take it easy.

  2. 这几十年来,巫青团不知用了多少次如此野蛮的手段来威胁别人,他们认为马来西亚是他们的,他们要怎样就怎样,反正警方或内政部绝不会找他们麻烦的,马华民政也一样不敢怎么样,这,就是鼎鼎大名的巫青团。
